Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The trip

So many people have been asking for updates and how to connect with Bob and Aaron.  We have started this blog so you can get updates and feel free to post comments back.  As time allows, we will read them to Bob.

Bob Peth was born in May of 1968.  He grew up on the farm in La Connor. After leaving the farm, Bob got into photography.  Photography has always been one of his passions in life.  In 1999, Bob became a real life super hero, Police Officer Bob!  He has touched some many lives during his time with Seattle Police Department.  Bob is one of the strongest man I have ever known.  Bob has always been there for his community.  

In September 2011, Bob was diagnosed with colon cancer.  After several courageous years, he is now at Swedish Hospital on hospice care.  The staff at Swedish have been so accommodating and compassionate.   Bob is welcoming visitors to the 12th floor of the east tower.  

Aaron is holding on.  They have had some intense talks and long loving chats.  

Early this afternoon, the hospice team showed up to explain the process.  Bob was awake and aware what was being said.  They are recommending reducing the amount of fluids he will be getting.  

There has been a constant flow of visitors.  Aaron's mom had to return home to go to work.  Bob's mom also went home last night but is coming back.


  1. You are so very loved, Bob. Thank you for your love and light. And Smart-ass comments.

  2. You are an amazing, strong man Bob! You are family to all of us and we love you dearly. So proud to have you in our lives!

    Much love always!!!

  3. You're part of so many happy memories I have of playing music at the Bus Stop, Bob. Your presence always made me smile! (Plus I felt safe knowing you were in the room, even when you were off the clock.)

  4. Bob, although we never spent much time together you always made me laugh with your twisted sense of humor that I can identify with. Thank you for serving the NW community as a police officer and being a part of what makes Seattle such a great city. Lastly, thank you for being an awesome husband to one of my best friends, Aaron.

  5. I remember first meeting you, after having some conversations with Aaron while we were both DJ'ing at the original Bus Stop. You are so easy to talk to and that smile can make an awkwardness just run out of the room. Cheers!

  6. Officer Bob.... I am so sorry to hear of this news. I had no idea. Many happy memories of both of you and your love. Always the best smile. I wish you much love and support in this time. May your hours be filled with love and knowing we are here for you. Much love,


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  8. Bob, I am so fortunate to have met you. I feel so lucky to been able to work side by side with you this last few months and have gotten to know you. You have the best sense of humor and the best stories. One story that stands out is the night of WTO. A lot of the officers had to stay the night at headquarters. You considered yourself lucky because you lived close by and could go home. As you said, " I dont want to be holed up in a room full of 40 plus men farting all night". You made me laugh countless tims. Like I said, Once a smart ass always a smart ass. Thank you for being you and thank you to your family for reaching out and giving us the opportunity to let you know how much we care for your.xoxo

  9. Bob, you are real life hero and I'm truly blessed to have known you. I will always think of Winthrop when we all went to that waterfall, when I think of you. I know we didn't get the opportunity to talk much or see each other often, but you have made a mark on my heart and I am thankful you are part of our family. I love you.

  10. Bob and Aaron,
    You are the heart and soul of what love is. You guys are amazing. My life wouldn't have been complete without being able to come across you guys in my life. My best memory is when I was tied up at Steve and Diana's with more than just me wrapped in "unidentified" tape and feeling like I was a criminal. Cards against Humanity was made for folks like us!! J am praying for peace and comfort in the coming times....my thoughts are with both of you and your family!!! We love you!!! Redd, Sherrill, and those pesky kids <3

  11. Bob,

    I keep missing the window for visiting you. I am truly sorry for that, my friend. You have touched so many lives with your love and good humor. I can only hope that the love that you have given so freely bounces back to you and gives you peace and joy in these tough times. I am proud to call you my friend.

    Grant Ballingham

  12. Bob, we love you and Aaron so much. Wishing you every moment of peace and serenity.

  13. Bob,I feel so lucky to call you friend. Thanks for the best hugs in the world, Wes Anderson Double Dates, Dub Club Mixes, and many fine political discussions after a few too many drinks. Love you. -jesse

  14. OFFITHER PETH!!! Bob, remember when I called you that on the air on west one very early morning years ago! 13 I think.. We laughed, and laughed ..I think you didnt think I would do it..but I did! Another fun memory was when Jamie and I were driving my Black turbo diesel jetta! You and Tietjen pulleD us over on dearborn around 4 in the morning..I forgot to use my blinker! Jamie and I stuck our hands out the windows holding are ham sammiches that we had just gotten at Metropolitan market in west seattle! You laughed so hard! I love your smile my friend.. Love & peace.......Janis George

  15. Bob - Remember that photograph of the old Rainier Brewery/Tully's buildings that you gave me? Well, I found the perfect place to hang it and took it in last week to get framed. I remember you telling me how you were able to 'take out' the power lines so that they did not distract from the vividness of the buildings. It's a great photo and I wanted to thank you again for it. You have always held a special place in my heart since you came into the Personnel Office fifteen years ago. We were chatting and you were smiling and speaking very highly of your mom. I remember thinking how nice that was of you, and as a mom myself, I hoped my son would speak as well of me as you were of your mom. God Bless you both during this tough, tough time. Vickie Huff

  16. Bob, I am taken - as so many others are - by both your creativity and your compassion. Sharing your own awesome photos and Cornish art projects was always a bright spot in my day. I love that you always tackle a problem by thinking outside the box and bringing in people with different viewpoints. Seriously, you are one of the good ones. Sending much love to you and your family. - Shanna Christie

  17. Bob, I have such fond memories of all of the crazy nights at the Bus Stop and with the Bus Stop family and hanging out with you, Aaron, Dom, Jacob & Andrew last summer for fun barbecues and overall debauchery. You are truly one of the most delightful people I've ever met. All my love and support to you and Aaron. XOXOXOXO - Candice

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  19. Many years ago, Todd and I met a young, 21 year old man who was completely in the closet in a small town, and knew very few gay men. We became very close, and over the year or so he hung with us, Aaron came out to his mother, and eventually to everyone. When he began to date, Todd and I were very critical of his choices, as we love him very much. When he came home to say he was feeling very serious about a particular man, we interrogated him on all details about this new guy…what does he do, how stable is he, etc. All feelings of apprehension and concern melted when we met Officer Bob. And while Aaron left this small town to start a new life with you, I knew our love for Aaron was going to be honored, and that he was in the best hands possible. I have been so honored to have traveled with you to Hawaii and Europe, and no more so than when you and Aaron invited us to return to Hawaii to celebrate your marriage. And over these many years, I (and I speak for Todd as well) have grown to love you, not just as the man Aaron chose as his mate, but as a man I fully respect, admire, and have inspired me to be better myself. You have given the world so much and touched so many lives (many of whom I’m sure you will never realize). I never use this word, but for some reason I am going to now; the world is blessed thanks to Bob Peth.

  20. Bob,
    You have such an amazing and positive impact not only for our work family but, for our whole community. You always appear when we need you the most, turning tired and frustrated faces into a room of smiles. You touch us with humor, photography, making us look at the world in a different light and greater appreciation. I truly can say you are loved tremendously but, we are the ones blessed to have you in our lives. Love Jamie McMurray

  21. Bob and Aaron,
    So many memories I have of you two. Everything from getting cray every 80's night with a bunch of twenty somethings on a weekly basis, having wonderful in depth discussions with Bob while Aaron spinned at Bus Stop, To fixing up the garden at your house when Bob knew I was strapped for cash and needed some help. You two have truly always brought a smile to my face. Bob was always the first to give me an enthusiastic "Hello!" every time I ran into him. No matter how busy and crazy life got, he was always the first to ask how you were doing and gave you his full attention without fail. Bob is always ready to impart his perspective and his wicked sense of humor. (You have a great laugh too Bob, one of the best.) So many happy memories I have with you two in them, I feel honored I get to take those with me the rest of my days. Love you guys. -H

  22. Maple Bars and Diet Coke.

    I met you at my new job in March 1995. We hit it off and I instantly adored you ...even if I couldn't understand your pickiness about food :-) You were my mentor, coworker, and I didn't know then, my friend for life. Intelligent, creative, talented, thoughtful with a heart to match your stature. You've stuck with me even when I do stupid things and whether you know it or not, you've taught me so much about integrity and strength. I have more but I keep coming back to maple bars and diet coke

  23. First met you at dad's 80th birthday party and liked you right away and knew you were the right guy for my nephew Aaron. The fact that you kept telling me you loved my potato salad may have helped. :) You became my nephew that day and always will be. Love you Bob always and forever.

  24. I remember the day Aaron joined my team--anxious, funny, determined, and a little explosive. I don't think that I understood the massive life change he had made to move to the city and the commitment he had made. He quickly settled in and became part of my perfect little Pike Place Family, a group of people I will cherish to the end of time. Soon after, I met Bob, whom I came to know as the calming force in Aaron's life. Bob...solid, strong, safe. Bob..also...waiting to deliver the next punch line, jab or grin. Bob...also part of that crazy little family. I have quietly watched your love grow, celebrating with each bit of great news and hurting with you as the fight began and continued. We all got married the same year and the great wall crumbled quickly before our eyes. It made little difference for you two Bob and Aaron, as the world already loved you completely. I know I do. My heart is breaking for the two of you and all of us who love and respect you. Your individual personalities combined to create an enduring spirit that has transcended through all whom you have met. I admire you for your love for everyone and for your courage while facing life's toughest battle. Bruce and I will hold you both in our hearts and wish for as much levity and joy as you can tolerate and the comfort and peace you will need. Our hearts and home are always welcome to Aaron when he is ready. I love you both and can't imagine my life not having known you. Godspeed, dear friend.

  25. Loved you Bob from the first time we met. You and Aaron have the type of relationship only most people can dream about and I'm so glad that you are a part of our family. Thank you for all the great stories you've shared during our visits, taking such great pictures of our Winthrop get together, and for just being you. Hali and I love you with all our hearts.

  26. Hey, Bob. I have started this so many times, its just really hard to articulate what you are in my mind, let alone, allow myself to accept this reality we all share. I consider Aaron to be my closest friend, second only to my wife. One of the greatest gifts he has ever given me was a chance to get to know you. Even though we hung out primarily in my neck of the woods, the few times I got to see you in your natural habitat was amazing. It was actually kind of frustrating when we were trying to leave anywhere, because you knew every single cop, street kid, bum, and store owner in the entire area. And you always had time. This, I took for granted, and I understand now, who you really are. You are a leader in society and a staple in the community. I have witnessed the mark you are making and am proud to acknowledge it. My respect for you is without limitation. I do not believe in a higher power, but, if my lack of faith is incorrect, God has some explaining to do. I have found myself extremely angry these days, because I don't understand how this could be your burden when there are so many others that deserve this. Sorry, I do not mean to be negative, its just that all of us are not ready this. If I had a superpower, it would be to control time. That way I could preserve and relive what is precious to me and also sneak a peek at some titties once in while. There, not so negative anymore.
    Thank you for everything you have shared and given to me. Aaron will never be alone. This is my promise to you, but, only when your gone. And gone you are not! Stay frosty.
    With all the love in our hearts, Chase and Stephanie Dawson.

  27. Bob, you're always a joy to have over, whether it's eating at Red Robin, hanging out and watching TV, or getting into a rousing game of Uno or Cards Against Humanity. I'm so happy I could be there to help you and Aaron celebrate your marriage. You laugh easy and are accepting of others, a truly shining star of a person.

  28. I'll always have the vision of you in your proud uniform on your wedding day. You and Aaron are two lucky fellas. Peace + Love

  29. Bob you are one of the most caring and compassionate humans I have ever met. You embraced people from all walks of life and call them friend. As I sat in your hospital room these last two days I am completely overwhelmed by the many people that have come to see you and the love they all have for you. We should all be that blessed. But the best thing about you is how incredibly happy you make my nephew Aaron. I am privileged to have you as a member of my family. You are an inspiration to me . Your compassion,honor and bravery are beyond comparison. I love you!

  30. Bob your oregon family is thinking of you. Proud to see all the lives you have touched.

  31. seems like just the other day you and Joe were playing under the big Maple tree at Mt. Vernon rodeo grounds, while we all roped. That my friend is a photo stuck in my mind. As for you and all your loved ones my family shall keep you all in our prayers

  32. Bob, its Ray, your former roommate. This is one of those situations where I wish I kept in touch through the years. And for that I apologize. I wasn’t sure if you moved to another state. Do you remember the two bedroom apartment with the two sunken living rooms, we shared? It was a sweet apartment, wasn’t it? Believe it or not, we moved 6 times and in circles. I am now, only like, three blocks from that same apartment. And that apartment have not changed. Not from the exterior of it anyways. Just ask Dan. He lived there for about a year.
    There was this time when me and a friend were walking to Starbucks early one morning. All of a sudden I hear my full name called out though the loud speaker. I looked around to see who it was. Then this police car drives by and stopped close to us. I tried to see who it was. The window rolled down and in I’m like WTH? We weren’t jay walking or anything. It was you, Bob. You so freaked us out. It was so hilarious. I couldn’t wait to get back to the office and tell everyone. My friend was telling them I was being arrested on the street.
    I’m praying for you and your family, Bob.

  33. Bob, here's another one from the late night crew. Earlier posts cited your twisted sense of humor and being a smart-ass. Those are two of the many things that made working with you an absolute blast. The words, "Press hard, you're making four copies." spoken through clenched teeth and a forced smile, will always be in my mind when dealing with a tough customer. Thank you for this sanity maintenance tool. Peace and good memories. -C

  34. When I first met you Officer Bob (I don't think I ever called you just Bob) I remember you being the first police officer I had ever met. I remember sharing stories about those crazy Seattle U kids but also enjoying music and drinking whiskey gingers at the Bus Stop. It's been a while since I have been back in Seattle but I have been fortunate to follow both you and Aaron on Facebook. You all are in my thoughts and prayers miles away here in Chicago.

  35. One of my best memories is of the time you showed up unannounced at our apartment. You kidnapped Lisa and me and took us to a playground, so you could take pictures of us. Lisa and I love you, Bob.
    If we are all just walking each other home, it has been my great honor and privilege to walk a few steps with you.

  36. Bob! I've always enjoyed running into you and Aaron around town; chatting at the grocery, or video store, or just on the hill. I knew you guys were good people, before I really had even talked to you that much. Your wedding photo touched, and will continue to touch thousands of friends and strangers alike! It had that Time-Life- Sailor-Kissing-Woman iconic feel from the moment it was taken. I was so proud to see you guys in the paper and proud to call you a friend. Thank you for always being so kind!
    Much, much love and light!
    Love, Andrea Zollo

  37. Dear Cousin Bobby,
    I've been lucky to have grown up with you. I remember very well us as kids, hanging out on your farm with all the folks and grandparents. Fondest memories are of watching the slide shows and you in one picture wearing your mom's high heels, and you were naked looking back at the camera. Cute buns, kid! I didn't see much of you once we hit adulthood but always was kept in the loop via your mom. You took good care of the treasured Regulator clock you inherited (though I was jealous!) I am glad you loved it like I would have. Thank you for being so good to Grandma & Grampa. They LOVED YOU so much! Grandma talked a lot about your visits and how much she enjoyed them. She will be waiting for you with arms open wide at the white picket fence that is "Heaven"... Bobby, I love you. You are family, and Aaron is family. I'm so glad you found happiness with him. My only regret is not getting to see you in all these last years. Rest easy, and feel my love with you.


  38. Hey Bobby, I'm so glad I got to spend a few minutes with you today. You were sleeping soundly but I squeezed your hand and you squeezed back. Over the past 15+ years I've always felt like I was one of the cool kids because I had a friend who was a cop. A gay cop, even! Even though our social interactions have been less frequent the past few years, whenever we'd run into you and Aaron it is always like we just saw you last week. Your warmth, wit, smile and laugh make people like you immediately. That's so evident by the outpouring of comments and stories on this blog. I have always appreciated how quick you were to come to the aid (of all kinds) of your friends, even when they did dumb things. You were always Help First, Counsel Later. It was comforting (in a back of the mind kind of way) to know that I had your phone number in my cell phone....just in case. Your hand was so warm today, just like your heart has always been. Tony and I are sending you and Aaron much love, comfort and peace. Big Hugs, Steve Gunn

  39. Bobo,
    I remember when we were in the academy together and you came out. You were so sweet and cute about it. That was the start to our friendship and becoming hero's in blue. You were there when I needed a shoulder and it was always fun hanging out with you at work and outside of work. I have followed your exploits over the years since leaving Seattle, which have given me smiles and laughter. It is great reading all the comments on here and seeing the support you and Aaron have. Chris and I are sending love to you, Aaron your families as well as your extended family in blue.

  40. Uncle Bob,
    I was blessed to have met your family back in 2011. I love them dearly!! I have enjoyed hearing updates and stories of you over the years. It is so heart warming to read about all the lives you have touched. I have enjoyed seeing you at family events over the years. I wish I could have gotten to know you more personally, but distance plays a role in that. I have been thinking of you everyday and enjoy seeing pictures and updates on your moms page:)
    Sending you lots of LOVE, HUGS & PRAYERS!!
    <3 Chantelle
