Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thursday - Bob's in good spirits


Always there with a smile and a helping hand.  Bob during pride.

Bob had a restful night and woke up in normal style.  He was making the staff laugh.  At one point, Aaron ask are you ok?  His reply, "I am FU***** freezing."  Needless to say the fan was turned off.  We opened the cards and read them.  We also read the blog posts.  Bob absolutely loved them.  Thank you for all your support.  The doctor came by and we are on the same path.  He is comfortable.  Please feel free to stop by and visit. 


  1. I never had the opportunity to meet Bob, I am his cousin Jim Bergh's wife. Reading these posts and comments has been such a wonderful way to get to know him and I just wanted to thank all involved for making this Blog, updating it and keeping us informed. You are all in our prayers. Thank you - Sheryl Bergh

  2. Dear Aaron and Bob,
    I wanted to let you both know that you are both in my thoughts. Your love for each other has touched so many of us. I am happy that you found each other.
    Michele Vallor (SPD)
